Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

Sambutan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Dalam Rangka 101 Tahun Harkitnas

101 Tahun Harkitnas Akan Diselenggarakan Dengan Khidmat
Jakarta, 15/5/2009 (Kominfo-101thkitnas) Berbeda dengan tahun lalu, 101 Tahun Hari Kebangkitan Nasional tanggal 20 Mei 2009 akan diselenggarakan secara sederhana dan penuh khidmat, sebagaimana disampaikan oleh Suprawoto, Kepala Badan Informasi Publik Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika RI selaku penanggung jawab Panitia Peringatan 101 Tahun Hari Kebangkitan Nasional, Jumat (15/5).
Pameran Satu Abad Kebangkitan Perempuan dan Monas Lautan Bunga
Kementerian Negara Pemberdayaan perempuan RI, ikut memperingati 100 Tahun Hari Kebangkitan Nasional dalam bentuk Peringatan Satu Abad Kebangkitan Perempuan Indonesia untuk merefleksikan apa yang telah diperbuat perempuan Indonesia dalam kurun waktu seratus tahun agar menjadi inspirasi dan motivasi bagi perjalanan bangsa Indonesia terutama kaum muda ke masa depan.
Indonesia ICT Award 2008: Kebangkitan Nasional Melalui Kreativitas Digital
Setelah berlangsung sejak pembukaan bulan Maret 2008, INAICTA 2008, perhelatan akbar tahunan yang bertujuan untuk mengapresiasi karya anak bangsa, Kamis (7/8) resmi digelar.

 Seminar Pembentukan Indonesian Brain Circulation Network
Tanpa disadari, Indonesia mempunyai SDM yang kompetitif dan sumber daya alam yang luar biasa sebagai modal pembangunan. Para ekspatriat Indonesia di Luar Negeri membahas potensi-potensi ini dalam seminar yang digelar di Aula KBRI Kuala Lumpur pada Sabtu (5/7).

Festival Kreativitas, Minat dan Permainan Anak Indonesia
Minggu (27/7) KPAI bekerjasama dengan Departemen Sosial menggelar Festival Kreativitas, Minat dan Permainan Anak Indonesia sebagai rangkaian peringatan Hari Anak Nasional.

 Ikrar Anti Narkoba dan Penghijauan 100 Tahun Harkitnas di Pasaman Barat
Rangkaian kegiatan 100 Tahun Hari Kebangkitan Nasional di Kabupaten Pasaman Barat, Sumatra Barat direncanakan digelar mulai tanggal 7 Mei 2008 sampai Mei 2009.

 Semarak 100 Tahun Hari Kebangkitan Nasional di Kabupaten Pacitan
Tepat pada Selasa (20/5), rangkaian kegiatan Kiprah Masyarakat dan Pemerintah Pacitan dalam rangka memperingati 100 Tahun Hari Kebangkitan Nasional dimulai.
Peringatan Hari Anak Nasional 2008
Jakarta: Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono didampingi Ibu Negara, Rabu (23/7) pagi, menghadiri acara puncak peringatan Hari Anak Nasional (HAN) 2008, di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta. Diharapkan HAN 2008 menjadi momentum untuk lebih peduli terhadap hak anak serta perlindungan anak menjadi isu penting kali ini.

 Upacara Bendera dan Adat 100 Tahun Harkitnas di Kabupaten Muna
Kabupaten Muna di Sulawesi Tenggara menyambut momen 100 Tahun Kebangkitan Nasional dengan mengadakan Upacara Bendera dan Adat.

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009



Organs had by high level plant is root, bar, and leaf. Despitefully there is other important organ which owned by plants that is flower. Flower can round into seed and fruit. However, do not all high level plants have flower, for example nail;axis plant. Flower organ only owned by plant which including bloomy plant group ( Anthophyta).
Root is part of functioning plant permeate mineral and water from within land. Most plants have root staying in ground. At high level plant group there is two root system, that is root system ride and fiber root system. See picture below. Crop root at the picture have king sized shares is so-called especial root. And around him, grow small root as root branch or referred as root beside. this Root system is referred as root ride. Root ride is primary root and especial root able to grow to continue and can long and big. Especial root share to take care of the straighten of plant.
See picture below, do not especial root there are part of big root. this Root system is referred as fiber root. Root grow in bar jetty area. This root of measure of smaller than especial root and many branchs like fiber. Fiber root grow to disseminate around crop and function to collect water of enough area wide. Fiber root generally there are at plant of monokotil, for example at plant of of grass. While root system ride the him of there are at plant of dikotil, legume the example, mango, carrot.

See picture below do not there are especial root or part of big root. this Root system is referred as fiber root. Root grow in bar jetty area. This root of measure of smaller than especial root and many branchs like fiber. Fiber root grow to disseminate around crop and function to collect water of enough area wide. Fiber root generally there are at plant of monokotil, for example at plant of of grass. While root system ride the him of there are at plant of dikotil, the example, mango, carrot.

Root Structure
Root structure consist of out structure (morfologi) and in structure (anatomy).

External of structure
External of Structure root for example consisting of hair grow on and root veil (kaliptra).
Hair Grow
Hair grow on is gibbosities is elongation of epidermis cells. Hair grow on is generally formed in area of near by back part grow on and only short-lived.
At the end of root there are network of meristem. This network cells of always split lah. Tip of network of meristem this under the aegis of root veil ( kaliptra). Functioning Kaliptra protect cells grow on from damage of effect growth of root penetrate land.
Dot Grow and Precise elongation area
Rear veil grow on there are dot grow. Cells dot area grow active split . Rear dot area grow there are long cells and have big vakuola. This is elongation area.

In Structure
In Structure successive root from outside into according to athwart slice is epidermis, cortex, endodermis, and center cylinder.
Cells surface of root form epidermis coat which the was cell formation is equal to bar cell. Cortex side in epidermis formed by ring which consist of cells of parenkim, that is cortex. Functioning cortex as food reserve.
In side in cortex there are network of endodermis consist of to endue thick cell which limit cortex coat. cell of Endodermis have part of like ribbon of so-called ribbon of Kaspari . Ribbon of Kaspari this function to hinder the passing of dilution from within land through cell wall, so that dilution emit a stream of passed sitoplasma. Besides endodermis also function to arrange in and out materials him from and to root network.
Cylinder center
In side in endodermis there are center cylinder. pregnant Center cylinder of small channel bundles and perisikel, that is xilem and floem.Perisikel there are in around center cylinder. At this perisikel of young root there are network of xylem network and of floem. At plant of monokotil, situation of xilem at intervals with floem. situation of Xilem in side in from floem. While at plant of dikotil, binding small channel of and xilem of floem beastly, situation of xilem in side in situation of floem. At older root there are cambium among and xilem of floem.

Root of function
To enter into mineral salt and water.
Putting down plant to the ground, or function as " yoke" for plant.
Assisting respiration.
To make keep frood.

Bar is shares which contributing plant body. Functioning bar transport food-stuff.
Structure Bar
Structure bar consist of external structure and structure in. External structure at differentiated high level plant to become plant structure have wood to and plant structure do not have wood ( herba). While depth structure consist of part of epidermis, cortex, endodermis, and center cylinder.

External of structure
Bar Plant have wood to have hard characteristic, thick, and long lived. Surface of hard bar and in selected shares there are lentisel. Lentisel relate to bar interior and function as place transfer of gas in bar. At plant bar have wood to which still young there are chlorophyll, so that can do photosynthesis.
Plant of Herba, for example water girlfriend, bar of softening. This matter is caused by wood network inexistence at plant of herba.
In structure
Interior bar consist of epidermis, cortex, endodermis, and center cylinder.
Wall epidermis cell at rather thick bar and arranged in layers by cuticle. functioning Epidermis bar coat protect coats in it.
In coat side in epidermis there are cortex coat which the was cell of globular and have flimsy wall . Functioning cortex as place supply of food for bar.
Coat of endodermis located in side in cortex coat. coat of Endodermis at bar do not clear so and hamper one with cortex coat.
Cylinder center
Cylinder center is the inner end of bar. In cylinder center there are small channel of wood ( xilem), small channel filter ( floem), and cyperus microiria. Xilem consist of tubes which is have functioning thick wall to transport mineral salt and water of root to leaf.
Floem in form of tube owning small pore in his base, so that like filtering ( filter) the functioningness transport result of photosynthesis of leaf to entire plant shares.
Bundle small channel bar of dikotil
bar of dikotil, binding the small channel of situation of beraturan form circle. There are small channel of wood of xilem and of floem. Among and xilem of floem there are cambium.

Bundle small channel of bar of monokotil
At plant bar of monokotil, binding small channel disseminate irregular and do not have cambium.

Function Bar
Bar is trajectory place organ irrigate and mineral salt of root to leaf, and also trajectory place result of photosynthesis ( food gist) of leaf to other shares of plant.
Leaf located in plant tabletop and stick at bar. Leaf is place the happening of photosynthesis process, that is process of food at greenery.
Structure Leaf
Leaf in form of wide pipih and green chromatic. Leaf sustained by leaf handle. Leaf handle relate to leaf bone. Leaf bone of granch small channel of forming nets transport.
External of Structure
Leaf in general in form of wide and green chromatic. Green colour because of chlorophyll which there are in kloroplas. Kloroplas is small structure of green chromatic which there are in leaf cell sitoplasma. multifarious Leaf form of manner. Some plant types, like, pine, having leaf in form of needle. Cactus plant have leaf in form of thorn or shell. At sheet surface of leaf there are leaf blood-vessel or bone. Bone leaf form there is which is fin, for example mango leaf. There is which is finger, for example papaw leaf, there is bony of parallel tortous leaf, for example maize leaf. leaf have Type to finger and fin generally there are at plant of dikotil. On the contrary, parallel tortous leaf bone habit found at plant of monokotil.

Besides, immeasurable leaf edge also, there is which in form of flattening for example jackfruit leaf and there is also which do not flat(serrated), for example rose leaf.
Leaf formation differentiated of single leaf and leaf of compound. Leaf referred as single leaf if one leaf handle only there are a piece of leaf. If one leaf handle there are some piece of leaves, the leaf named leaf of compound.
In Structure
In structure or anatomy in leaf consist of epidermis, pillar network ( palisade), and rock flower network ( spons).

Epidermis leaf is single cell coat on the surface of upper and lower leaf. Epidermis arranged in layers by flimsy coat of candle is so-called cuticle. Cuticle cause waterproof epidermis so that lessen the loss of water. At epidermis under generally there are stomata.
Pillar network ( palisade)
Below epidermis to the there are network of palisade. cells of Palisade generally length and lapped over meeting like pillar line. At network cells of palisade many there are kloroplas concidering chlorophylls and here lah process photosynthesis take place.
Flower rock network ( spons)
At flower network compose there are small channel transport which in the form of leaf bone. Conveyor network consist of and xilem of floem.
Function Leaf
Place photosynthesis of place transfer of photosynthesis gassaat, respirasi, and transpirasi.

Flower come from result modify leaf. Do not all plants have flower. For high level plant which have flower, flower are important organ because the plant regenerasi started from flower.

Structure Flower
Flower have multifarious colour and form manner depend on species or his type. However, flower at plant have is same Elementary structure. Flower structure consist of calyx, crown, stamen, and pistil.

Flower calyx
External Shares kalik of flower is calyx. Calyx in general green chromatic, despite of gorgeous also. Functioning calyx protect flower interior.
Corolla located in side in calyx. Corolla in general have multifarious colour and form of manner and function to draw insect of powder.

Stamen at flower share as masculine genitals. Stamen consist of gist head and gist handle.

Pistillum consist of the parts of pistil head, pistillum handle, will seed ( ovul), ovary ( ovari), and egg cell ( ovum). Pistil share as female genitals.

Flower Function
Function of flower is as a means of propagation generatively at plant. Function of differ from flower is as a means of ornament. Appliance ornament of flower consist of crown and calyx.
At the him of fruit expand from pistillu. Pistillum consist of pistil head, pistil handle, and ovary.

Real fruit and sham fruit
Ovary will round into fruit and seed will will become seed if happened impregnation. If fruit formed by all network at just ovary, hence the fruit of referred as real fruit. Mango the example, papaya, fruit, tomato, rice. There is fruit the formed is not from just ovary, but also come from parts of the differ from flower. That fruit is referred as sham fruit. Pineapple the example, formed of flower leaves and ovary ( calyx), monkey guava or guava mede, formed of big flower handle, apple, coming from puffy flower base.
Parts of flower
Fruit lapped over of seed, kernel, and fruit skin. At fruit which not yet cooked, fruit skin do not experience of dissociation of network. But fruit which have cooked, husk there is which differentiated become 3 coat, that is
1. External coat ( epikarp) the hardness for example

2. Middle coat ( mesokarp) the thickness and fleshly, or stringy, for example papaya and mango.

3. Coat in ( endokarp) there is which in the form of hard cell coat, there is also which in the form of hard or flimsy
Seed is especial propagation appliance for seed plant ( Spermatophyta) because containing new plant candidate which have 3 bodywork that is seed husk, endosperma, and embryo. Seed is part of plant which in form of from impregnation result that happened in ovary. In ovary there are seed will and in seed will there are new individual candidate or embryo which ready for germinating. Embryo or new individual candidate have shares as follows.
1) Root institute or radicle ( radikula)
2) Leaf institute or cotyledon, first leaf at plant, having
Appliance photosynthesis function before leaf was truthfully formed.
Place pile up food
3) Institute bar, there is which the was bar internode of above institute leaf, there is which the was bar internode of below institute leaf.
Individual candidate just wrapped by 2 coat, that is interior and exterior.
Exterior referred as seed husk.
Referred as Inner also endosperma.

Seed owning endosperma, for example mango. There is also seed which do not have endosperma, for example peanut, haricot bean. Seed will there is 2 kinds of :
Seed will prepacked by fruit leaf for example mango.
Seed will which do not prepacked by fruit leaf, for example graceful tree Pakistan, tusa.

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

Kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Sirkulasi

Kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Sirkulasi 

• Anemia 
• Anemia sel sabit
• Talasemia
• Haemofili
• Leukemia
• Jantung koroner
• Hipertensi
• Stroke
• Lupus
Bercak kemerahan di wajah dan tangan, panas dan rasa lelah berkepanjangan, rambut rontok, persendian bengkak, sariawan, juga menyerang organ tubuh.  
• Anemia herediter
• Tak mampu mensintesis rantai polipeptida ( alfa ) dan ( beta )
• Polipeptida dibutuhkan untuk membentuk Hb.
• Gejala pendarahan yang sukar dihentikan tidak punya AHG
• Umumnya diderita oleh laki-laki
• Faktor hereditas
• Terpaut pada kromosom X

• Produksi leukosit yang bersifat ganas
• Menurunkan produksi Eritrosit, trombosit, dan Leukosit normal.
• Pengobatan dengan sinar X , kemoterapi, cangkok sumsum tulang belakang ( tranplantasi ).
• Tekanan sistol > 140 mmHg
• Tekanan diastol > 99 mmHg
• Hipertensi dapat menyebabkan pecahnya pembuluh darah dan tersumbatnya arteri di otak (stroke)

Kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Sirkulasi

Kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Sirkulasi 

• Anemia 
• Anemia sel sabit
• Talasemia
• Haemofili
• Leukemia
• Jantung koroner
• Hipertensi
• Stroke
• Lupus
Bercak kemerahan di wajah dan tangan, panas dan rasa lelah berkepanjangan, rambut rontok, persendian bengkak, sariawan, juga menyerang organ tubuh.  
• Anemia herediter
• Tak mampu mensintesis rantai polipeptida ( alfa ) dan ( beta )
• Polipeptida dibutuhkan untuk membentuk Hb.
• Gejala pendarahan yang sukar dihentikan tidak punya AHG
• Umumnya diderita oleh laki-laki
• Faktor hereditas
• Terpaut pada kromosom X

• Produksi leukosit yang bersifat ganas
• Menurunkan produksi Eritrosit, trombosit, dan Leukosit normal.
• Pengobatan dengan sinar X , kemoterapi, cangkok sumsum tulang belakang ( tranplantasi ).
• Tekanan sistol > 140 mmHg
• Tekanan diastol > 99 mmHg
• Hipertensi dapat menyebabkan pecahnya pembuluh darah dan tersumbatnya arteri di otak (stroke)

Kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Sirkulasi

Kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Sirkulasi 

• Anemia 
• Anemia sel sabit
• Talasemia
• Haemofili
• Leukemia
• Jantung koroner
• Hipertensi
• Stroke
• Lupus
Bercak kemerahan di wajah dan tangan, panas dan rasa lelah berkepanjangan, rambut rontok, persendian bengkak, sariawan, juga menyerang organ tubuh.  
• Anemia herediter
• Tak mampu mensintesis rantai polipeptida ( alfa ) dan ( beta )
• Polipeptida dibutuhkan untuk membentuk Hb.
• Gejala pendarahan yang sukar dihentikan tidak punya AHG
• Umumnya diderita oleh laki-laki
• Faktor hereditas
• Terpaut pada kromosom X

• Produksi leukosit yang bersifat ganas
• Menurunkan produksi Eritrosit, trombosit, dan Leukosit normal.
• Pengobatan dengan sinar X , kemoterapi, cangkok sumsum tulang belakang ( tranplantasi ).
• Tekanan sistol > 140 mmHg
• Tekanan diastol > 99 mmHg
• Hipertensi dapat menyebabkan pecahnya pembuluh darah dan tersumbatnya arteri di otak (stroke)

Kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Sirkulasi

Kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Sirkulasi 

• Anemia 
• Anemia sel sabit
• Talasemia
• Haemofili
• Leukemia
• Jantung koroner
• Hipertensi
• Stroke
• Lupus
Bercak kemerahan di wajah dan tangan, panas dan rasa lelah berkepanjangan, rambut rontok, persendian bengkak, sariawan, juga menyerang organ tubuh.  
• Anemia herediter
• Tak mampu mensintesis rantai polipeptida ( alfa ) dan ( beta )
• Polipeptida dibutuhkan untuk membentuk Hb.
• Gejala pendarahan yang sukar dihentikan tidak punya AHG
• Umumnya diderita oleh laki-laki
• Faktor hereditas
• Terpaut pada kromosom X

• Produksi leukosit yang bersifat ganas
• Menurunkan produksi Eritrosit, trombosit, dan Leukosit normal.
• Pengobatan dengan sinar X , kemoterapi, cangkok sumsum tulang belakang ( tranplantasi ).
• Tekanan sistol > 140 mmHg
• Tekanan diastol > 99 mmHg
• Hipertensi dapat menyebabkan pecahnya pembuluh darah dan tersumbatnya arteri di otak (stroke)

biography of isaac newton


Isaac Newton was born on 25 December at Woolsthrope Manor in Woolsthrope-by-Colsterworth, a hamlet in the county of Lincolnshire. At the time of Newton’s birth, England had not adopted the latest papal calendar and therefore his date of birth was recorded as Christmas Day, 25 December 1642. Newton was born three months after the death of his father. Born prematurally, he was a small child, his mother Hannah Ayscough reportedly said that he could have fit inside a quart mug. When Newton was tree, his mother remarried and went to live with her new husband, the Reverend Barbanus Smith, leaving her son in the care of his maternal grandmother, Margery Ayscough. The young Isaac disliked his stepfather and held some up to the age of 19: Threatening my father and mother Smith to burn them and the haouse over them. 

According to E.T. Bell and H. Eves : 

Newton began his scholling in the village schools and was later sent to The King’s School, Grantham, whwere be became the top student in the school. At King’s, he lodged with the local apothecary, William Clarke and eventually became engaded to the apothecary’s stepdaughter, Anne Storer, before he went off to the Uneversity of Cambridge at the age of 19. As Newton became engrossed in his studies, the romance cooled and Miss Storer married someone else. It is said he kept a warm memory of this love, but Newton had no other recorded “sweet-hearts” and never married. 

There are rumours that he remained a virgin. However, Bell and Eves’ sources for this claim, William Stukeley and Mrs. Vincent (the former Miss Storer- actually named Katherine, not Anne), merely say that Newton entertained “a passion” for Storer while he lodged at the Clarke house. 

From the age of about twelve until he was seventeen, Newton was educated at The King’s School., Grantham (where his signature can still be seen upon a library window sill). He was removed from school, and by October 1659, he was to be found at Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, where his mother, windowed by now for a second time, attempted to make a farmer of him. He was, by later report of his contemporaries, thoroughly unhappy with the work. It appears to have been Henry Stokes, master at the King’s School, who persuased his mother to send him back to school so that he might complete his education. This he did at the age of eighteen, achieving an admirable final report. 

In June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge. According to John Stillwell, he entered Trinity as a sizar. At that time, the college’s teachings were based on those of Aristotle, but Newton preferred to read the more advanced ideas of modern philosophers such as Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered the generalized binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that would later become calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August of 1665, the Uneversity closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Altough he had been undistinguished as a Cambridgestudent, Newton’s private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the subsequent two years saw the development of his theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation. 

biography of isaac newton


Isaac Newton was born on 25 December at Woolsthrope Manor in Woolsthrope-by-Colsterworth, a hamlet in the county of Lincolnshire. At the time of Newton’s birth, England had not adopted the latest papal calendar and therefore his date of birth was recorded as Christmas Day, 25 December 1642. Newton was born three months after the death of his father. Born prematurally, he was a small child, his mother Hannah Ayscough reportedly said that he could have fit inside a quart mug. When Newton was tree, his mother remarried and went to live with her new husband, the Reverend Barbanus Smith, leaving her son in the care of his maternal grandmother, Margery Ayscough. The young Isaac disliked his stepfather and held some up to the age of 19: Threatening my father and mother Smith to burn them and the haouse over them. 

According to E.T. Bell and H. Eves : 

Newton began his scholling in the village schools and was later sent to The King’s School, Grantham, whwere be became the top student in the school. At King’s, he lodged with the local apothecary, William Clarke and eventually became engaded to the apothecary’s stepdaughter, Anne Storer, before he went off to the Uneversity of Cambridge at the age of 19. As Newton became engrossed in his studies, the romance cooled and Miss Storer married someone else. It is said he kept a warm memory of this love, but Newton had no other recorded “sweet-hearts” and never married. 

There are rumours that he remained a virgin. However, Bell and Eves’ sources for this claim, William Stukeley and Mrs. Vincent (the former Miss Storer- actually named Katherine, not Anne), merely say that Newton entertained “a passion” for Storer while he lodged at the Clarke house. 

From the age of about twelve until he was seventeen, Newton was educated at The King’s School., Grantham (where his signature can still be seen upon a library window sill). He was removed from school, and by October 1659, he was to be found at Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, where his mother, windowed by now for a second time, attempted to make a farmer of him. He was, by later report of his contemporaries, thoroughly unhappy with the work. It appears to have been Henry Stokes, master at the King’s School, who persuased his mother to send him back to school so that he might complete his education. This he did at the age of eighteen, achieving an admirable final report. 

In June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge. According to John Stillwell, he entered Trinity as a sizar. At that time, the college’s teachings were based on those of Aristotle, but Newton preferred to read the more advanced ideas of modern philosophers such as Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered the generalized binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that would later become calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August of 1665, the Uneversity closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Altough he had been undistinguished as a Cambridgestudent, Newton’s private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the subsequent two years saw the development of his theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation. 

biography of isaac newton


Isaac Newton was born on 25 December at Woolsthrope Manor in Woolsthrope-by-Colsterworth, a hamlet in the county of Lincolnshire. At the time of Newton’s birth, England had not adopted the latest papal calendar and therefore his date of birth was recorded as Christmas Day, 25 December 1642. Newton was born three months after the death of his father. Born prematurally, he was a small child, his mother Hannah Ayscough reportedly said that he could have fit inside a quart mug. When Newton was tree, his mother remarried and went to live with her new husband, the Reverend Barbanus Smith, leaving her son in the care of his maternal grandmother, Margery Ayscough. The young Isaac disliked his stepfather and held some up to the age of 19: Threatening my father and mother Smith to burn them and the haouse over them. 

According to E.T. Bell and H. Eves : 

Newton began his scholling in the village schools and was later sent to The King’s School, Grantham, whwere be became the top student in the school. At King’s, he lodged with the local apothecary, William Clarke and eventually became engaded to the apothecary’s stepdaughter, Anne Storer, before he went off to the Uneversity of Cambridge at the age of 19. As Newton became engrossed in his studies, the romance cooled and Miss Storer married someone else. It is said he kept a warm memory of this love, but Newton had no other recorded “sweet-hearts” and never married. 

There are rumours that he remained a virgin. However, Bell and Eves’ sources for this claim, William Stukeley and Mrs. Vincent (the former Miss Storer- actually named Katherine, not Anne), merely say that Newton entertained “a passion” for Storer while he lodged at the Clarke house. 

From the age of about twelve until he was seventeen, Newton was educated at The King’s School., Grantham (where his signature can still be seen upon a library window sill). He was removed from school, and by October 1659, he was to be found at Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, where his mother, windowed by now for a second time, attempted to make a farmer of him. He was, by later report of his contemporaries, thoroughly unhappy with the work. It appears to have been Henry Stokes, master at the King’s School, who persuased his mother to send him back to school so that he might complete his education. This he did at the age of eighteen, achieving an admirable final report. 

In June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge. According to John Stillwell, he entered Trinity as a sizar. At that time, the college’s teachings were based on those of Aristotle, but Newton preferred to read the more advanced ideas of modern philosophers such as Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered the generalized binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that would later become calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August of 1665, the Uneversity closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Altough he had been undistinguished as a Cambridgestudent, Newton’s private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the subsequent two years saw the development of his theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation. 

biography of isaac newton


Isaac Newton was born on 25 December at Woolsthrope Manor in Woolsthrope-by-Colsterworth, a hamlet in the county of Lincolnshire. At the time of Newton’s birth, England had not adopted the latest papal calendar and therefore his date of birth was recorded as Christmas Day, 25 December 1642. Newton was born three months after the death of his father. Born prematurally, he was a small child, his mother Hannah Ayscough reportedly said that he could have fit inside a quart mug. When Newton was tree, his mother remarried and went to live with her new husband, the Reverend Barbanus Smith, leaving her son in the care of his maternal grandmother, Margery Ayscough. The young Isaac disliked his stepfather and held some up to the age of 19: Threatening my father and mother Smith to burn them and the haouse over them. 

According to E.T. Bell and H. Eves : 

Newton began his scholling in the village schools and was later sent to The King’s School, Grantham, whwere be became the top student in the school. At King’s, he lodged with the local apothecary, William Clarke and eventually became engaded to the apothecary’s stepdaughter, Anne Storer, before he went off to the Uneversity of Cambridge at the age of 19. As Newton became engrossed in his studies, the romance cooled and Miss Storer married someone else. It is said he kept a warm memory of this love, but Newton had no other recorded “sweet-hearts” and never married. 

There are rumours that he remained a virgin. However, Bell and Eves’ sources for this claim, William Stukeley and Mrs. Vincent (the former Miss Storer- actually named Katherine, not Anne), merely say that Newton entertained “a passion” for Storer while he lodged at the Clarke house. 

From the age of about twelve until he was seventeen, Newton was educated at The King’s School., Grantham (where his signature can still be seen upon a library window sill). He was removed from school, and by October 1659, he was to be found at Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, where his mother, windowed by now for a second time, attempted to make a farmer of him. He was, by later report of his contemporaries, thoroughly unhappy with the work. It appears to have been Henry Stokes, master at the King’s School, who persuased his mother to send him back to school so that he might complete his education. This he did at the age of eighteen, achieving an admirable final report. 

In June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge. According to John Stillwell, he entered Trinity as a sizar. At that time, the college’s teachings were based on those of Aristotle, but Newton preferred to read the more advanced ideas of modern philosophers such as Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered the generalized binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that would later become calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August of 1665, the Uneversity closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Altough he had been undistinguished as a Cambridgestudent, Newton’s private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the subsequent two years saw the development of his theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation. 

biography of isaac newton


Isaac Newton was born on 25 December at Woolsthrope Manor in Woolsthrope-by-Colsterworth, a hamlet in the county of Lincolnshire. At the time of Newton’s birth, England had not adopted the latest papal calendar and therefore his date of birth was recorded as Christmas Day, 25 December 1642. Newton was born three months after the death of his father. Born prematurally, he was a small child, his mother Hannah Ayscough reportedly said that he could have fit inside a quart mug. When Newton was tree, his mother remarried and went to live with her new husband, the Reverend Barbanus Smith, leaving her son in the care of his maternal grandmother, Margery Ayscough. The young Isaac disliked his stepfather and held some up to the age of 19: Threatening my father and mother Smith to burn them and the haouse over them. 

According to E.T. Bell and H. Eves : 

Newton began his scholling in the village schools and was later sent to The King’s School, Grantham, whwere be became the top student in the school. At King’s, he lodged with the local apothecary, William Clarke and eventually became engaded to the apothecary’s stepdaughter, Anne Storer, before he went off to the Uneversity of Cambridge at the age of 19. As Newton became engrossed in his studies, the romance cooled and Miss Storer married someone else. It is said he kept a warm memory of this love, but Newton had no other recorded “sweet-hearts” and never married. 

There are rumours that he remained a virgin. However, Bell and Eves’ sources for this claim, William Stukeley and Mrs. Vincent (the former Miss Storer- actually named Katherine, not Anne), merely say that Newton entertained “a passion” for Storer while he lodged at the Clarke house. 

From the age of about twelve until he was seventeen, Newton was educated at The King’s School., Grantham (where his signature can still be seen upon a library window sill). He was removed from school, and by October 1659, he was to be found at Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, where his mother, windowed by now for a second time, attempted to make a farmer of him. He was, by later report of his contemporaries, thoroughly unhappy with the work. It appears to have been Henry Stokes, master at the King’s School, who persuased his mother to send him back to school so that he might complete his education. This he did at the age of eighteen, achieving an admirable final report. 

In June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge. According to John Stillwell, he entered Trinity as a sizar. At that time, the college’s teachings were based on those of Aristotle, but Newton preferred to read the more advanced ideas of modern philosophers such as Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered the generalized binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that would later become calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August of 1665, the Uneversity closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Altough he had been undistinguished as a Cambridgestudent, Newton’s private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the subsequent two years saw the development of his theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation. 

biography of isaac newton


Isaac Newton was born on 25 December at Woolsthrope Manor in Woolsthrope-by-Colsterworth, a hamlet in the county of Lincolnshire. At the time of Newton’s birth, England had not adopted the latest papal calendar and therefore his date of birth was recorded as Christmas Day, 25 December 1642. Newton was born three months after the death of his father. Born prematurally, he was a small child, his mother Hannah Ayscough reportedly said that he could have fit inside a quart mug. When Newton was tree, his mother remarried and went to live with her new husband, the Reverend Barbanus Smith, leaving her son in the care of his maternal grandmother, Margery Ayscough. The young Isaac disliked his stepfather and held some up to the age of 19: Threatening my father and mother Smith to burn them and the haouse over them. 

According to E.T. Bell and H. Eves : 

Newton began his scholling in the village schools and was later sent to The King’s School, Grantham, whwere be became the top student in the school. At King’s, he lodged with the local apothecary, William Clarke and eventually became engaded to the apothecary’s stepdaughter, Anne Storer, before he went off to the Uneversity of Cambridge at the age of 19. As Newton became engrossed in his studies, the romance cooled and Miss Storer married someone else. It is said he kept a warm memory of this love, but Newton had no other recorded “sweet-hearts” and never married. 

There are rumours that he remained a virgin. However, Bell and Eves’ sources for this claim, William Stukeley and Mrs. Vincent (the former Miss Storer- actually named Katherine, not Anne), merely say that Newton entertained “a passion” for Storer while he lodged at the Clarke house. 

From the age of about twelve until he was seventeen, Newton was educated at The King’s School., Grantham (where his signature can still be seen upon a library window sill). He was removed from school, and by October 1659, he was to be found at Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, where his mother, windowed by now for a second time, attempted to make a farmer of him. He was, by later report of his contemporaries, thoroughly unhappy with the work. It appears to have been Henry Stokes, master at the King’s School, who persuased his mother to send him back to school so that he might complete his education. This he did at the age of eighteen, achieving an admirable final report. 

In June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge. According to John Stillwell, he entered Trinity as a sizar. At that time, the college’s teachings were based on those of Aristotle, but Newton preferred to read the more advanced ideas of modern philosophers such as Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered the generalized binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that would later become calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August of 1665, the Uneversity closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Altough he had been undistinguished as a Cambridgestudent, Newton’s private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the subsequent two years saw the development of his theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation. 

hukum newton

Hukum I Newton 
Hukum I Newton dinyatakan sebagai berikut 

Jika resultan gaya pada suatu benda sama dengan nol maka benda yang mula-mula diam akan tetap diam sedangkan jika benda mula-mula bergerak akan terus bergerak dengan kecepatan tetap.

English :
If style resultan at one particular object is equal to zero so,kept quiet primeval object will remain to be kept quiet by while if object originally make a move will continue to make a move with speed remain to.

Sifat benda yang cenderung mempertahankan keadaan awal disebut inersia atau kelembaban. Oleh karena itu hukum I Newton disebut juga Hukum Kelembaban. 

Hukum II Newton 
Hukum II Newton dinyatakan sebagai berikut 

Ketika resultan gaya pada benda tidak nol maka benda akan mengalami percepatan yang dirumuskan secara matematis di bawah ini.  


When style resultan at object do not zero so,object will experience of formulated acceleration mathematically hereunder.

Secara matematis hukum II Newton dirumuskan :

∑ F = m . a
∑ F = resultan gaya 
A = percepatan (m/s2)
m = massa benda (kg)

Hukum III Newton 
Hukum III Newton dinyatakan sebagai berikut
Jika A mengerjakan gaya pada B (disebut gaya aksi) maka, B memberikan reaksi balik dengan mengerjakan gaya pada A (disebut gaya reaksi).  

English :

If A do style at B ( referred as action style) so, B give reaction return done style at A 
( referred by style reaction of).

Secara matematis dapat dirumuskan : 

F aksi = -F reaksi

Tanda negatif (-) menunjukkan arah yang berlawanan. 

Kelainan –kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Gerak

Gangguan dan Kelainan Tulang 
Fraktura (patah tulang)
Fraktura terbuka terjadi jika ujung tulang yang patah keluar menembus kulit. Fraktura tertutup jika tulang patah, ujung tulang yang patah tidak menembus atau tidak keluar ke kulit. Penyembuhan retak tulang atau patah tulang selalu digunakan pembalut agar posisi tulang yang mengalami patah tidak mudah bergeser. 
Osteoporosis dikarenakan kekurangan mineral, umumnya terjadi pada orang dewasa dan berakibat pada tulang menjadi rapuh dan mudah patah, Untuk mengatasinya hendaknya banyak mengkonsumsi mineral. 
Arthritis adalah penyakit sendi. Salah satu bentuk arthritis adalah rematik. Menghindari infeksi dan mengkonsumsi makanan seimbang mengurangi terjadinya arthritis. 
Terjadi karena kekurangan vitamin D. Penyakit ini terjadi pada anak-anak yang menyebabkan tulang kakinya tumbuh membengkok. Upaya untuk mengurangi penyakit ini adalah penambahan mineral ke dalam diet dan dengan berjemur di panas matahari. 
Tulang punggung terlalu melengkung ke depan, dapat disebabkan oleh kegemukan atau kebiasaan yang salah. 
Tulang punggung terlalu melengkung ke belakang (tubuh kelihatan bungkuk). Dapat disebabkan TBC atau kebiasaan duduk yang salah.  
Tulang punggung melengkung ke kiri atau ke kanan. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh kebiasaan duduk yang salah. 
Kelainan dimana otot menjadi mengecil, sehingga tidak kuat melakukan gerakan. 
Suatu kondisi dimana otot mengalami perkembangan abnormal. 
Gangguan dan Kelainan Otot 
Disebabkan oleh kejang otot. Otot tiba-tiba berhubungan sangat kuat sehingga sakit. Kram bisa terjadi saat cuaca dingin atau aktivitas otot terlalu berat. Kram bisa juga merupakan gejala ketidakseimbangan air dan ion di dalam tubuh. 
Nyeri otot 
Nyeri otot umumnya diderita orang berusia lanjut. Penyakit ini mungkin disebabkan pembengkakan jaringan penghubung otot. Jaringan yang membengkak menekan ujung saraf dan pembuluh darah. Akibatnya, aliran darah terhambat dan timbul rasa nyeri. Nyeri otot biasanya kambuh pada cuaca dingin dan dapat diatasi dengan pijat dan menghangatkan diri. 
Disebabkan infeksi virus pada saraf yang mengendalikan gerakan otot rangka. Orang yang terserang penyakit polio dapat menjadi lumpuh. Penyakit polio dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi pada bayi. 
Adalah kontraksi dari beberapa kelompok otot yang tidak terkoordinasi. Sawan bisa terjadi akibat gangguan pada otak. 
Terjadi di daerah sendi. Otot dapat putus akibat tarikan yang tiba-tiba dan kuat. 

Penyakit dan Gangguan Pada Pernapasan

Asma adalah penyempitan saluran pernapasan yang disebabkan oleh alergi terhadap kondisi lingkungan misalnya debu, rambut hewan atau hawa dingin. 
Pneumonia adalah peradangan dinding alveolus yang diakibatkan oleh bakteri Diplococcus pneumoniae. Akibat peradangan tersebut terjadi penurunan area untuk pertukaran oksigen dan karbondioksida. 
Salesma adalah suatu keadaan dimana hidung tersumbat, ingus mengalir, bersin-bersin serta tenggorokan terasa gatal.
Pleuritis adalah peradangan pada selaput pembungkus paru-paru. Akibat peradangan ini terdapat cairan yang berlebihan pada selaput paru-paru (pluera) sehingga penderitanya akan merasa nyeri dada ketika bernapas. 
Tuberkulosis (TBC) adalah terbentuknya bintil-bintil di dalam alveolus sehingga mengurangi area alveolus untuk pertukaran gas. TBC disebabkan oleh bakteri tuberculosis. 
Flu, influenza adalah suatu keadaan dimana hidung beringus, tenggorokan meradang, sakit kepala, demam, otot terasa sakit dan lelah. Influenza disebabkan oleh infeksi virus pada saluran pernapasan atas. 
Bronkitis adalah peradangan pada lapisan dinding broncus (cabang tenggorokan) yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus.Peradangan ini menimbulkan batuk – batuk yang dalam dan menghasilkan dahak abu –abu kekuningan dari paru –paru.
ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Atas)
Penyebabnya virus dan kuman yang berada di udara lingkungan sekitar.
Flu burung pada manusia
Gejala kritis
Masa inkubasi sekitar 3 hari, sedangkan pada anak biasa 21 hari.Demam lebih dari 38 derajat celcius, nyeri tenggorokan, batuk, pilek, bersin, nyeri otot, sakit kepala, sesak napas, lemas, pernah kontak dengan unggas terutama jika unggas tersebut mati/sakit dalam 7 hari terakhir.

Kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Pencernaan

Parotitis atau penyakit gondok yaitu penyakit yang disebabkan virus yang menyerang kelenjar ludah di bagian bawah telinga akibatnya kelenjar ludah menjadi bengkak atau menbesar. Jika tidak segera diobati infeksi bisa merusak kelenjar. Kelenjar yang rusak harus dibuang dengan pembedahan. 
Xerostomia adalah penyakit pada rongga mulut yang ditandai dengan rendahnya produksi air ludah. Kondisi mulut yang kering membuat makanan kurang tercerna dengan baik. Jangan terlalu cemas atau mengalami tekanan emosi sebab cemas dan tekanan emosi akan menyebabkan mulut bisa menjadi kering. Selain itu, banyak minum air dan jangan menggunakan obat atropin
Tukak Lambung, terjadi karena adanya luka pada dinding lambung bagian dalam. Cara mengatasinya yaitu makan secara teratur, tidak banyak pikiran dapat mengurangi timbulnya tukak lambung. 
Apendisitis adalah radang apendiks atau usus buntu, dapat merembet sampai ke usus besar dan menyebabkan radang selaput rongga perut. Upaya yang harus dilakukan adalah memeriksakan diri ke dokter dan pilihan utama pengobatan ialah pembedahan untuk membuang usus buntu. 
Diare adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri atau protozoa pada usus besar. Karena infeksi tersebut proses penyerapan air di usus besar terganggu akibatnya feses menjadi encer. Biasanya diare ringan tidak perlu diobati sebab diare adalah usaha tubuh untuk membebaskan diri dari infeksi. Jika diare disertai muntah, sakit perut, berak darah dan demam maka segera ke dokter dan dokter akan memberi cairan melalui infuse, antibiotika dan obat yang mencegah diare. 
Konstipasi atau sembelit, terjadi akibat penyerapan air di dalam usus besar terjadi secara berlebihan akibatnya feses menjadi sangat padat dan keras sehingga sulit untuk dikeluarkan. Untuk mencegah sembelit dianjurkan untuk buang air besar secara teratur tiap hari, banyak minum, makan makanan yang mengandung serat tambahan (sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan). 
Hernia, merupakan penyakit akibat robeknya lapisan dalam dinding perut pada daerah pangkal paha, yang menimbulkan pembengkakan atau gumpalan yang berasal dari terlepasnya lingkaran usus sehingga menonjol pada tempat yang robek tersebut. Penyakit ini diatasi melalui tindakan operasi. 
Sakit maag disebabkan adanya sekresi asam lambung yang tidak normal sehingga mengakibatkan rasa perih pada dinding lambung. Gejala sakit maag antara lain: perut terasa mual, mulas, kembung, dan tidak nafsu makan. Sakit maag dipicu oleh kebiasaan makan yang yang tidak teratur, jenis makanan, obat-obatan dan stress/ gangguan psikologis. Cara mencegahnya yaitu dengan mengatur pola makan dengan teratur. 
Sakit gigi gangguan yang sering terjadi akibat tidak merawat giginya dengan baik. Jika tidak menggosok gigi sisa-sisa makanan yang melekat pada gigi merupakan tempat yang baik untuk pertumbuhan bakteri yang dapat merusak gigi. Kerusakan gigi juga dapat disebabkan karena makanan yang terlalu panas, terlalu dingin, terlalu manis atau terlalu masam. 
Sariawan adalah rusaknya sel-sel papila di lidah yang menyebabkan proses perasa terhadap makanan terganggu. Sariawan dapat disebabkan jenis makanan atau infeksi bakteri. 

Kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Peredaran Darah

Kelainan darah 
Anemia adalah kelainan dimana darah tidak mampu membawa oksigen yang cukup bagi tubuh. Anemia disebabkan oleh kurangnya jumlah sel darah merah dan kurangnya hemoglobin yang membawa oksigen. 
Leukimia sering disebut juga kanker darah, yaitu sel darah putih membelah tidak terkendali sehingga jumlahnya meningkat pesat dan kemudian memakan sel darah merah. Pada penderita leukemia, jumlah sel darah putih dapat mencapai 200.000 per mm2 darah.
Hemofilia adalah penyakit darah sukar membeku. Penderita dapat kehilangan banyak darah hanya karena luka kecil. Penyakit ini bersifat menurun dan tidak dapat disembuhkan. 
Talasemia adalah penyakit kelainan darah yang menurun yang ditandai dengan adanya sel darah merah yang abnormal. Hal ini disebabkan kegagalan gen dalam memproduksi protein penyusun hemoglobin secara lengkap sehingga hemoglobin tidak sempurna, akibatnya transportasi oksigen keseluruh tubuh terganggu. Penyakit ini dapat diatasi melalui tindakan yang memerlukan biaya mahal, diantaranya dengan transfusi darah secara berkala kurang lebih setiap bulan sekali, dan transplantasi sumsum tulang. Jika talasemia menyebabkan radang limpa maka diperlukan pembedahan untuk pembuangan limpa. 
Adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan terlalu banyaknya sel darah sehingga darah merah menjadi kental, menaikkan viskositas, dan menurunkan kecepatan aliran serta bisa menyumbat kapiler. Produksi sel darah merah yang kental dan abnormal sering dihasilkan dari tumor sumsum tulang. Polisetemia sekunder dihasilkan dari kurangnya pasokan oksigen, seperti di daerah dataran tinggi atau kenaikan produksi eritroprotein. 

Kelainan pada pembuluh darah dan Jantung
Varises terjadi pada vena. Pada varises katup vena tidak berfungsi terutama karena tarikan vena dalam vena melebar (berdilatasi) sehingga daun katup vena tidak lagi tumpang tindih atau menghambat aliran balik darah. Akibatnya tekanan vena lebih besar daripada vena normal. Menyebabkan pembengkakan aliran darah didalam vena menjadi terhambat sehingga terjadi penyumbatan darah. Varies bisa diturunkan secara genetic. Pada kehamilan, ada kenaikan tekanan dalam vena yang menyumbat tungkai bawah karena uterus melebar. 
Stroke merupakan kelainan saraf secara tiba-tiba. Stroke sering disebabkan oleh berkurangnya oksigen darah ke otak. Stroke bisa terjadi akibat penyumbatan pembuluh darah, lepasnya penyumbat pembuluh darah besar menuju pembuluh darah yang lebih kecil, pendarahan, dan kebocoran darah dari pembuluh, sehingga jaringan disekitarnya menjadi mati. 
Meningitis merupakan terinfeksinya pembuluh darah diotak. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh infeksi bagian muka yang merambat ke pembuluh darah otak. Merawat jerawat dan bisul dibagian muka merupakan usah pencegahan meningitis. 
Tekanan darah tinggi (Hipertensis)
Seseorang disebut menderita tekanan darah tinggi jika tekanan sistol darah lebih tinggi dari pada 150 mm Hg dan tekanan darah diastole lebih tinggi dari 900 ml Hg. Pada Hepertensi, jantung bekerja lebih keras, kerja keras ini disebabkan otot jantung membesar, khususnya bilik kiri dan dapat menyebabkan gagal jantung.  

Disparity - Disease and disparity at System Move
Trouble and disparity of bone.
Fraktura ( broken bone)
Open Fraktura happened if bone back part which broken go out penetrated husk. Fraktura closed if bone broken, tip of bone which broken,do not penetrate or do not go out to husk. Barst healing of bone or broken bone is always used by bandage to be natural bone position broken do not easy to shift.
Osteoporosis because of mineral insuffiency, generally happened at adult and cause at bone become breakable and brittle, To overcome him shall consuming many minerals. 
Arthritis is disease of joint. One of the form of arthritis is rheumatism. Avoiding infection and consume well-balanced food lessen the happening of arthritis.
Happened for want of vitamin D. this Disease happened at children causing the foot bone of growing to curve. Effort to lessen this disease is addition of mineral into diet and sun in sun heat.
Too tortous Lordosis 
Backbone forwards, earn because of wrong habit or fatness. 
Too tortous Kifosis 
Backbone rear ( body looked to be bow). Can be caused by TBC or habit sit the wrongness. 
Tortous Skoliosis 
Backbone to left or to right. This condition because of habit sit the wrongness.
Disparity where muscle become to minimize, weak to so that do movement.
Condition where natural muscle of abnormal growth.-

Trouble and disparity of muscle.
Because of muscle spastic. Muscle sudden very strong relation so that pain. Muscle-Bound can happened cold weather moment or too heavy muscle activity. Cramps can also is water imbalance symptom and ion in body.
Muscle Pain
In bone muscle pain in bone is generally suffered by people have old age. This disease is caused possible isn't it network link of muscle. bloated network depress tip of vein and nerve. As a result, blood stream pursued and arise to feel pain in bone. Muscle pain in bone usually recurrence at cold weather and can overcome squeezed and isn't it x'self.
Caused by virus infection at nerve controling frame muscle movement. come down with people is polio can become palsiedly. Polio ailment can be prevented immunized at baby.
Is contraksi from some muscle groups which do not co-ordinate. Epilepsy can happened effect of trouble at brain. 
Happened in joint area. Muscle can break effect of attraction which sudden and strength.

Disease and Trouble At Respiration

Asthma is stricture of bronchi which because of allergy to environmental condition for example dirt, animal hair or cool-air. 
Pneumonia is Chafed of wall of alveolus resulted from by bacterium of Diplococcus pneumoniae. Effect of the Chafed happened degradation of area for the transfer of and oxygen of carbondioksida.
Salesma is an situation where nose stuff up, mucus emit a stream of, sneezes and also red lane felt to itch. 
Pleuritis is Chafed at membrane packer of lung. Effect of this Chafed there are abundant dilution at lung membrane ( pluera) so that the patient of will feel chest pain in bone when respiration. .
Tuberkulosis ( TBC) is formed by nodules him in alveolus so that lessen area of alveolus for the transfer of gas. TBC because of bacterium of tuberculosis. 
Flu, influenza is situation where snotty nose, red lane be angry, headache, fever, muscle felt fatigue and pain. Influenza because of virus infection at bronchi to the.
Bronchitis is Chafed at wall coat of broncus ( gullet branch) which because of infection of virus. Chafed this generate to cough - cough which in and yield dusty phlegm - brass ash of lung.
ISPA ( Infection Of Bronchi ) 
Cause of germ and virus residing in on the air about environment. 
Bird Flu at human 
Critical Symptom
Incubation period about 3 day, while at ordinary child 21 day.Fever more than 38 degree of celcius, red lane pain in bone, cough, head cold, sneezing, muscle pain in bone, headache, asphyxia, weaken, have contacted with poultry especially if poultry of death / sick in last 7 day.

Disparity and Disease at Digestive System

Parotitis or mumps that is viral disease which attack gland spit on ear underside as a result gland spit to become swelling or big. Otherwise is immediately cured by infection can destroy gland. damage gland have to be thrown with surgery.
Xerostomia is disease at mouth cavity marked lowly him produce spit. Condition of dry mouth make less digestible food better. Don't natural or overanxious of emotion pressure because worriing and emotion pressure will cause mouth can become to run dry. Besides, drinking many water and don't use drug of atropin.
Tukak Stomach Happened caused by hurt at inner stomach wall. Way to overcome of that is eating regularly, not many minds can lessen incidence of stomach tukak. 
Appendicitis are chafing intestine infection or appendix, earn to hinder to large intestine and cause to chafe stomach cavity membrane. Effort which must be done is to check x'self to especial choice and doctor of medication is surgery to throw away intestine infection.
Diarrhoea is disease which because of bacterium infection or protozoa at large intestine. Because infection of process absorbtion of water in large intestine annoyed as a result feses become wateryly. Usually light diarrhoea needn't cure by because diarrhoea is the effort body to free from infection. If diarrhoea accompanied by puking, stomachache, defecating fever and blood hence immediately to doctor and doctor will give dilution through infuse, drug and antibiotika preventing diarrhoea.
Konstipasi or constipation, happened effect of absorbtion of water in large intestine happened redundantly as a result feses become very hard and solid so that difficult to be released. To prevent constipation suggested to defecate regularly every day, drinking many, eat food concidering additional fibre ( fruits and vegetable).
Hernia, is disease effect of the tearing of coat in stomach wall at thigh jetty area, generating isn't it or Iump coming from the escaping of uppermost intestine circle so that place which tear. This disease is overcome to through operation action.
Pain of Maag caused by the existence of sour sekresi of stomach which below par so that result felt perih at stomach wall. symptom of maag for example: stomach felt queasy, stomachache, flatulent, and do not Iust to eat. pain of Maag triggered by habit eat not regular, food type, and medicines of stress/ psychological trouble. Way prevent him that is arranged pattern eat consecutively.
Trouble toothache which often happened effect do not take care of the tooth of better. Otherwise brush teeth coherent food pickings at tooth is place which good to growth of bacterium able to destroy tooth. Damage of tooth also can be caused by too food of heat, too cool, too acid or sweet.
Sprue is destroying cells him of papila in tongue causing sensuous process to food annoyed. Sprue can be caused by food type or bacterium infection.

Disparity and Disease at System Circulation of Blood.
Disparity of blood  

Anemia is disparity where blood unable to bring enough oxygen for body. Anemia because of lack of blood cells amount and lack of haemoglobin bringing oxygen.
Leukimia is often referred as also blood cancer, that is phabocyte split lah do not in control so that the amount of him mount fast and later then eat blood cell. At patient of leukemia, amount of phabocytes can reach 200.000 per blood mm2.
Haemophilia is disease of blood difficult to froze up me. Patient earn losing of many bloods just because small hurt. This disease have the character of irremediable and downhill.
Talasemia is disease of disparity of downhill blood which marked with existence of abnormal blood cell. This matter is caused by failure of gene in producing protein compiler of haemoglobin completely so that imperfect haemoglobin, as a result oxygen transportation of all body annoyed. This disease can overcome to through action costing money costly, among others with periodical blood transfusion more or less each month once, and bone marrow transplantation. If talasemia cause to chafe spleen hence needed surgery for the dismissal of spleen.
Polisetemia Is disease marked with too much corpuscle him so that blood become jelled, boosting up viskositas, and degrade speed of stream and also can cork capillaryly. Cell blood production which jell and abnormal was often yielded from bone marrow tumor. Secunder Polisetemia yielded from lack of oxygen, as in plateau area or increase of production of eritroprotein.

Disparity of heart and vein.
Varises happened at vena. At spillway varises of vena do not function especially because attraction of vena in wide vena ( berdilatasi) so that spillway leaf of vena overlap shall no longger or pursue blood backwash. As a result pressure of vena bigger than normal vena. Causing isn't it blood stream in vena become to be pursued so that happened gagging of blood. Varies can be degraded by genetic. At pregnancy, there is increase of pressure in vena which corking leg under because wide uterus.
Stroke is disparity of nerve sudden. Stroke often because of the have decreasing of blood oxygen to brain. Stroke can happened effect of embolism, free of big venous stopper him go to smaller vein, haemorrahage, and leakage of blood of small channel, so that network about him become death.
Meningitis is infection of vein of brain. This condition because of infection part of face which creep to vein of brain. Take care of abscess and pimple part of face is to take care prevention of meningitis. High blood pressure ( Hipertensis) Someone referred as to suffer high blood pressure if pressure of sistol higher blood from at 150 Hg mm and blood pressure of diastole higher from 900 Hg ml. At Hepertensi, heart strive harder, activity of hard this is caused by big heart muscle, specially left room and can cause heart failure.

Kelainan –kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Gerak
Gangguan dan Kelainan Tulang 
Fraktura (patah tulang)
Fraktura terbuka terjadi jika ujung tulang yang patah keluar menembus kulit. Fraktura tertutup jika tulang patah, ujung tulang yang patah tidak menembus atau tidak keluar ke kulit. Penyembuhan retak tulang atau patah tulang selalu digunakan pembalut agar posisi tulang yang mengalami patah tidak mudah bergeser. 
Osteoporosis dikarenakan kekurangan mineral, umumnya terjadi pada orang dewasa dan berakibat pada tulang menjadi rapuh dan mudah patah, Untuk mengatasinya hendaknya banyak mengkonsumsi mineral. 
Arthritis adalah penyakit sendi. Salah satu bentuk arthritis adalah rematik. Menghindari infeksi dan mengkonsumsi makanan seimbang mengurangi terjadinya arthritis. 
Terjadi karena kekurangan vitamin D. Penyakit ini terjadi pada anak-anak yang menyebabkan tulang kakinya tumbuh membengkok. Upaya untuk mengurangi penyakit ini adalah penambahan mineral ke dalam diet dan dengan berjemur di panas matahari. 
Tulang punggung terlalu melengkung ke depan, dapat disebabkan oleh kegemukan atau kebiasaan yang salah. 
Tulang punggung terlalu melengkung ke belakang (tubuh kelihatan bungkuk). Dapat disebabkan TBC atau kebiasaan duduk yang salah.  
Tulang punggung melengkung ke kiri atau ke kanan. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh kebiasaan duduk yang salah. 
Kelainan dimana otot menjadi mengecil, sehingga tidak kuat melakukan gerakan. 
Suatu kondisi dimana otot mengalami perkembangan abnormal. 
Gangguan dan Kelainan Otot 
Disebabkan oleh kejang otot. Otot tiba-tiba berhubungan sangat kuat sehingga sakit. Kram bisa terjadi saat cuaca dingin atau aktivitas otot terlalu berat. Kram bisa juga merupakan gejala ketidakseimbangan air dan ion di dalam tubuh. 
Nyeri otot 
Nyeri otot umumnya diderita orang berusia lanjut. Penyakit ini mungkin disebabkan pembengkakan jaringan penghubung otot. Jaringan yang membengkak menekan ujung saraf dan pembuluh darah. Akibatnya, aliran darah terhambat dan timbul rasa nyeri. Nyeri otot biasanya kambuh pada cuaca dingin dan dapat diatasi dengan pijat dan menghangatkan diri. 
Disebabkan infeksi virus pada saraf yang mengendalikan gerakan otot rangka. Orang yang terserang penyakit polio dapat menjadi lumpuh. Penyakit polio dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi pada bayi. 
Adalah kontraksi dari beberapa kelompok otot yang tidak terkoordinasi. Sawan bisa terjadi akibat gangguan pada otak. 
Terjadi di daerah sendi. Otot dapat putus akibat tarikan yang tiba-tiba dan kuat. 

Penyakit dan Gangguan Pada Pernapasan

Asma adalah penyempitan saluran pernapasan yang disebabkan oleh alergi terhadap kondisi lingkungan misalnya debu, rambut hewan atau hawa dingin. 
Pneumonia adalah peradangan dinding alveolus yang diakibatkan oleh bakteri Diplococcus pneumoniae. Akibat peradangan tersebut terjadi penurunan area untuk pertukaran oksigen dan karbondioksida. 
Salesma adalah suatu keadaan dimana hidung tersumbat, ingus mengalir, bersin-bersin serta tenggorokan terasa gatal.
Pleuritis adalah peradangan pada selaput pembungkus paru-paru. Akibat peradangan ini terdapat cairan yang berlebihan pada selaput paru-paru (pluera) sehingga penderitanya akan merasa nyeri dada ketika bernapas. 
Tuberkulosis (TBC) adalah terbentuknya bintil-bintil di dalam alveolus sehingga mengurangi area alveolus untuk pertukaran gas. TBC disebabkan oleh bakteri tuberculosis. 
Flu, influenza adalah suatu keadaan dimana hidung beringus, tenggorokan meradang, sakit kepala, demam, otot terasa sakit dan lelah. Influenza disebabkan oleh infeksi virus pada saluran pernapasan atas. 
Bronkitis adalah peradangan pada lapisan dinding broncus (cabang tenggorokan) yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus.Peradangan ini menimbulkan batuk – batuk yang dalam dan menghasilkan dahak abu –abu kekuningan dari paru –paru.
ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Atas)
Penyebabnya virus dan kuman yang berada di udara lingkungan sekitar.
Flu burung pada manusia
Gejala kritis
Masa inkubasi sekitar 3 hari, sedangkan pada anak biasa 21 hari.Demam lebih dari 38 derajat celcius, nyeri tenggorokan, batuk, pilek, bersin, nyeri otot, sakit kepala, sesak napas, lemas, pernah kontak dengan unggas terutama jika unggas tersebut mati/sakit dalam 7 hari terakhir.

Kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Pencernaan

Parotitis atau penyakit gondok yaitu penyakit yang disebabkan virus yang menyerang kelenjar ludah di bagian bawah telinga akibatnya kelenjar ludah menjadi bengkak atau menbesar. Jika tidak segera diobati infeksi bisa merusak kelenjar. Kelenjar yang rusak harus dibuang dengan pembedahan. 
Xerostomia adalah penyakit pada rongga mulut yang ditandai dengan rendahnya produksi air ludah. Kondisi mulut yang kering membuat makanan kurang tercerna dengan baik. Jangan terlalu cemas atau mengalami tekanan emosi sebab cemas dan tekanan emosi akan menyebabkan mulut bisa menjadi kering. Selain itu, banyak minum air dan jangan menggunakan obat atropin
Tukak Lambung, terjadi karena adanya luka pada dinding lambung bagian dalam. Cara mengatasinya yaitu makan secara teratur, tidak banyak pikiran dapat mengurangi timbulnya tukak lambung. 
Apendisitis adalah radang apendiks atau usus buntu, dapat merembet sampai ke usus besar dan menyebabkan radang selaput rongga perut. Upaya yang harus dilakukan adalah memeriksakan diri ke dokter dan pilihan utama pengobatan ialah pembedahan untuk membuang usus buntu. 
Diare adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri atau protozoa pada usus besar. Karena infeksi tersebut proses penyerapan air di usus besar terganggu akibatnya feses menjadi encer. Biasanya diare ringan tidak perlu diobati sebab diare adalah usaha tubuh untuk membebaskan diri dari infeksi. Jika diare disertai muntah, sakit perut, berak darah dan demam maka segera ke dokter dan dokter akan memberi cairan melalui infuse, antibiotika dan obat yang mencegah diare. 
Konstipasi atau sembelit, terjadi akibat penyerapan air di dalam usus besar terjadi secara berlebihan akibatnya feses menjadi sangat padat dan keras sehingga sulit untuk dikeluarkan. Untuk mencegah sembelit dianjurkan untuk buang air besar secara teratur tiap hari, banyak minum, makan makanan yang mengandung serat tambahan (sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan). 
Hernia, merupakan penyakit akibat robeknya lapisan dalam dinding perut pada daerah pangkal paha, yang menimbulkan pembengkakan atau gumpalan yang berasal dari terlepasnya lingkaran usus sehingga menonjol pada tempat yang robek tersebut. Penyakit ini diatasi melalui tindakan operasi. 
Sakit maag disebabkan adanya sekresi asam lambung yang tidak normal sehingga mengakibatkan rasa perih pada dinding lambung. Gejala sakit maag antara lain: perut terasa mual, mulas, kembung, dan tidak nafsu makan. Sakit maag dipicu oleh kebiasaan makan yang yang tidak teratur, jenis makanan, obat-obatan dan stress/ gangguan psikologis. Cara mencegahnya yaitu dengan mengatur pola makan dengan teratur. 
Sakit gigi gangguan yang sering terjadi akibat tidak merawat giginya dengan baik. Jika tidak menggosok gigi sisa-sisa makanan yang melekat pada gigi merupakan tempat yang baik untuk pertumbuhan bakteri yang dapat merusak gigi. Kerusakan gigi juga dapat disebabkan karena makanan yang terlalu panas, terlalu dingin, terlalu manis atau terlalu masam. 
Sariawan adalah rusaknya sel-sel papila di lidah yang menyebabkan proses perasa terhadap makanan terganggu. Sariawan dapat disebabkan jenis makanan atau infeksi bakteri. 

Kelainan dan Penyakit pada Sistem Peredaran Darah

Kelainan darah 
Anemia adalah kelainan dimana darah tidak mampu membawa oksigen yang cukup bagi tubuh. Anemia disebabkan oleh kurangnya jumlah sel darah merah dan kurangnya hemoglobin yang membawa oksigen. 
Leukimia sering disebut juga kanker darah, yaitu sel darah putih membelah tidak terkendali sehingga jumlahnya meningkat pesat dan kemudian memakan sel darah merah. Pada penderita leukemia, jumlah sel darah putih dapat mencapai 200.000 per mm2 darah.
Hemofilia adalah penyakit darah sukar membeku. Penderita dapat kehilangan banyak darah hanya karena luka kecil. Penyakit ini bersifat menurun dan tidak dapat disembuhkan. 
Talasemia adalah penyakit kelainan darah yang menurun yang ditandai dengan adanya sel darah merah yang abnormal. Hal ini disebabkan kegagalan gen dalam memproduksi protein penyusun hemoglobin secara lengkap sehingga hemoglobin tidak sempurna, akibatnya transportasi oksigen keseluruh tubuh terganggu. Penyakit ini dapat diatasi melalui tindakan yang memerlukan biaya mahal, diantaranya dengan transfusi darah secara berkala kurang lebih setiap bulan sekali, dan transplantasi sumsum tulang. Jika talasemia menyebabkan radang limpa maka diperlukan pembedahan untuk pembuangan limpa. 
Adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan terlalu banyaknya sel darah sehingga darah merah menjadi kental, menaikkan viskositas, dan menurunkan kecepatan aliran serta bisa menyumbat kapiler. Produksi sel darah merah yang kental dan abnormal sering dihasilkan dari tumor sumsum tulang. Polisetemia sekunder dihasilkan dari kurangnya pasokan oksigen, seperti di daerah dataran tinggi atau kenaikan produksi eritroprotein. 

Kelainan pada pembuluh darah dan Jantung
Varises terjadi pada vena. Pada varises katup vena tidak berfungsi terutama karena tarikan vena dalam vena melebar (berdilatasi) sehingga daun katup vena tidak lagi tumpang tindih atau menghambat aliran balik darah. Akibatnya tekanan vena lebih besar daripada vena normal. Menyebabkan pembengkakan aliran darah didalam vena menjadi terhambat sehingga terjadi penyumbatan darah. Varies bisa diturunkan secara genetic. Pada kehamilan, ada kenaikan tekanan dalam vena yang menyumbat tungkai bawah karena uterus melebar. 
Stroke merupakan kelainan saraf secara tiba-tiba. Stroke sering disebabkan oleh berkurangnya oksigen darah ke otak. Stroke bisa terjadi akibat penyumbatan pembuluh darah, lepasnya penyumbat pembuluh darah besar menuju pembuluh darah yang lebih kecil, pendarahan, dan kebocoran darah dari pembuluh, sehingga jaringan disekitarnya menjadi mati. 
Meningitis merupakan terinfeksinya pembuluh darah diotak. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh infeksi bagian muka yang merambat ke pembuluh darah otak. Merawat jerawat dan bisul dibagian muka merupakan usah pencegahan meningitis. 
Tekanan darah tinggi (Hipertensis)
Seseorang disebut menderita tekanan darah tinggi jika tekanan sistol darah lebih tinggi dari pada 150 mm Hg dan tekanan darah diastole lebih tinggi dari 900 ml Hg. Pada Hepertensi, jantung bekerja lebih keras, kerja keras ini disebabkan otot jantung membesar, khususnya bilik kiri dan dapat menyebabkan gagal jantung.  

Disparity - Disease and disparity at System Move
Trouble and disparity of bone.
Fraktura ( broken bone)
Open Fraktura happened if bone back part which broken go out penetrated husk. Fraktura closed if bone broken, tip of bone which broken,do not penetrate or do not go out to husk. Barst healing of bone or broken bone is always used by bandage to be natural bone position broken do not easy to shift.
Osteoporosis because of mineral insuffiency, generally happened at adult and cause at bone become breakable and brittle, To overcome him shall consuming many minerals. 
Arthritis is disease of joint. One of the form of arthritis is rheumatism. Avoiding infection and consume well-balanced food lessen the happening of arthritis.
Happened for want of vitamin D. this Disease happened at children causing the foot bone of growing to curve. Effort to lessen this disease is addition of mineral into diet and sun in sun heat.
Too tortous Lordosis 
Backbone forwards, earn because of wrong habit or fatness. 
Too tortous Kifosis 
Backbone rear ( body looked to be bow). Can be caused by TBC or habit sit the wrongness. 
Tortous Skoliosis 
Backbone to left or to right. This condition because of habit sit the wrongness.
Disparity where muscle become to minimize, weak to so that do movement.
Condition where natural muscle of abnormal growth.-

Trouble and disparity of muscle.
Because of muscle spastic. Muscle sudden very strong relation so that pain. Muscle-Bound can happened cold weather moment or too heavy muscle activity. Cramps can also is water imbalance symptom and ion in body.
Muscle Pain
In bone muscle pain in bone is generally suffered by people have old age. This disease is caused possible isn't it network link of muscle. bloated network depress tip of vein and nerve. As a result, blood stream pursued and arise to feel pain in bone. Muscle pain in bone usually recurrence at cold weather and can overcome squeezed and isn't it x'self.
Caused by virus infection at nerve controling frame muscle movement. come down with people is polio can become palsiedly. Polio ailment can be prevented immunized at baby.
Is contraksi from some muscle groups which do not co-ordinate. Epilepsy can happened effect of trouble at brain. 
Happened in joint area. Muscle can break effect of attraction which sudden and strength.

Disease and Trouble At Respiration

Asthma is stricture of bronchi which because of allergy to environmental condition for example dirt, animal hair or cool-air. 
Pneumonia is Chafed of wall of alveolus resulted from by bacterium of Diplococcus pneumoniae. Effect of the Chafed happened degradation of area for the transfer of and oxygen of carbondioksida.
Salesma is an situation where nose stuff up, mucus emit a stream of, sneezes and also red lane felt to itch. 
Pleuritis is Chafed at membrane packer of lung. Effect of this Chafed there are abundant dilution at lung membrane ( pluera) so that the patient of will feel chest pain in bone when respiration. .
Tuberkulosis ( TBC) is formed by nodules him in alveolus so that lessen area of alveolus for the transfer of gas. TBC because of bacterium of tuberculosis. 
Flu, influenza is situation where snotty nose, red lane be angry, headache, fever, muscle felt fatigue and pain. Influenza because of virus infection at bronchi to the.
Bronchitis is Chafed at wall coat of broncus ( gullet branch) which because of infection of virus. Chafed this generate to cough - cough which in and yield dusty phlegm - brass ash of lung.
ISPA ( Infection Of Bronchi ) 
Cause of germ and virus residing in on the air about environment. 
Bird Flu at human 
Critical Symptom
Incubation period about 3 day, while at ordinary child 21 day.Fever more than 38 degree of celcius, red lane pain in bone, cough, head cold, sneezing, muscle pain in bone, headache, asphyxia, weaken, have contacted with poultry especially if poultry of death / sick in last 7 day.

Disparity and Disease at Digestive System

Parotitis or mumps that is viral disease which attack gland spit on ear underside as a result gland spit to become swelling or big. Otherwise is immediately cured by infection can destroy gland. damage gland have to be thrown with surgery.
Xerostomia is disease at mouth cavity marked lowly him produce spit. Condition of dry mouth make less digestible food better. Don't natural or overanxious of emotion pressure because worriing and emotion pressure will cause mouth can become to run dry. Besides, drinking many water and don't use drug of atropin.
Tukak Stomach Happened caused by hurt at inner stomach wall. Way to overcome of that is eating regularly, not many minds can lessen incidence of stomach tukak. 
Appendicitis are chafing intestine infection or appendix, earn to hinder to large intestine and cause to chafe stomach cavity membrane. Effort which must be done is to check x'self to especial choice and doctor of medication is surgery to throw away intestine infection.
Diarrhoea is disease which because of bacterium infection or protozoa at large intestine. Because infection of process absorbtion of water in large intestine annoyed as a result feses become wateryly. Usually light diarrhoea needn't cure by because diarrhoea is the effort body to free from infection. If diarrhoea accompanied by puking, stomachache, defecating fever and blood hence immediately to doctor and doctor will give dilution through infuse, drug and antibiotika preventing diarrhoea.
Konstipasi or constipation, happened effect of absorbtion of water in large intestine happened redundantly as a result feses become very hard and solid so that difficult to be released. To prevent constipation suggested to defecate regularly every day, drinking many, eat food concidering additional fibre ( fruits and vegetable).
Hernia, is disease effect of the tearing of coat in stomach wall at thigh jetty area, generating isn't it or Iump coming from the escaping of uppermost intestine circle so that place which tear. This disease is overcome to through operation action.
Pain of Maag caused by the existence of sour sekresi of stomach which below par so that result felt perih at stomach wall. symptom of maag for example: stomach felt queasy, stomachache, flatulent, and do not Iust to eat. pain of Maag triggered by habit eat not regular, food type, and medicines of stress/ psychological trouble. Way prevent him that is arranged pattern eat consecutively.
Trouble toothache which often happened effect do not take care of the tooth of better. Otherwise brush teeth coherent food pickings at tooth is place which good to growth of bacterium able to destroy tooth. Damage of tooth also can be caused by too food of heat, too cool, too acid or sweet.
Sprue is destroying cells him of papila in tongue causing sensuous process to food annoyed. Sprue can be caused by food type or bacterium infection.

Disparity and Disease at System Circulation of Blood.
Disparity of blood  

Anemia is disparity where blood unable to bring enough oxygen for body. Anemia because of lack of blood cells amount and lack of haemoglobin bringing oxygen.
Leukimia is often referred as also blood cancer, that is phabocyte split lah do not in control so that the amount of him mount fast and later then eat blood cell. At patient of leukemia, amount of phabocytes can reach 200.000 per blood mm2.
Haemophilia is disease of blood difficult to froze up me. Patient earn losing of many bloods just because small hurt. This disease have the character of irremediable and downhill.
Talasemia is disease of disparity of downhill blood which marked with existence of abnormal blood cell. This matter is caused by failure of gene in producing protein compiler of haemoglobin completely so that imperfect haemoglobin, as a result oxygen transportation of all body annoyed. This disease can overcome to through action costing money costly, among others with periodical blood transfusion more or less each month once, and bone marrow transplantation. If talasemia cause to chafe spleen hence needed surgery for the dismissal of spleen.
Polisetemia Is disease marked with too much corpuscle him so that blood become jelled, boosting up viskositas, and degrade speed of stream and also can cork capillaryly. Cell blood production which jell and abnormal was often yielded from bone marrow tumor. Secunder Polisetemia yielded from lack of oxygen, as in plateau area or increase of production of eritroprotein.

Disparity of heart and vein.
Varises happened at vena. At spillway varises of vena do not function especially because attraction of vena in wide vena ( berdilatasi) so that spillway leaf of vena overlap shall no longger or pursue blood backwash. As a result pressure of vena bigger than normal vena. Causing isn't it blood stream in vena become to be pursued so that happened gagging of blood. Varies can be degraded by genetic. At pregnancy, there is increase of pressure in vena which corking leg under because wide uterus.
Stroke is disparity of nerve sudden. Stroke often because of the have decreasing of blood oxygen to brain. Stroke can happened effect of embolism, free of big venous stopper him go to smaller vein, haemorrahage, and leakage of blood of small channel, so that network about him become death.
Meningitis is infection of vein of brain. This condition because of infection part of face which creep to vein of brain. Take care of abscess and pimple part of face is to take care prevention of meningitis. High blood pressure ( Hipertensis) Someone referred as to suffer high blood pressure if pressure of sistol higher blood from at 150 Hg mm and blood pressure of diastole higher from 900 Hg ml. At Hepertensi, heart strive harder, activity of hard this is caused by big heart muscle, specially left room and can cause heart failure.

cIri mAkhlUk hIdUp

Bernafas atau Respirasi adalah Proses pemecahan makanan dan pelepasan energi.
  Manusia bernafas dengan paru-paru.
  Menghirup O2 dan mengeluarkan CO2.
  Hewan menghirup O2 dan mengeluarkan CO2.
  .Hewan bernafas dengan paru-paru,Trakhea,insang,pundi-pundi udara,dan kulit. 
 Tumbuhan bernafas dengan stomata dan lentisel.
 Menghirup CO2 dan mengeluarkan O2
Reaksi Pernafasan 
 Di dalam tubuh,oksigen digunakan untuk membakar zat-zat makanan.Peristiwa pembakaran zat-zat makanan di dalam tubuh disebut oksidasi biologis. Proses oksidasi biologis dapat menghasilkan energi pada makhluk hidup dimanfaatkan untuk bergerak,memanaskan tubuh,dan melakukan kegiatan hidup yang lain.

Bergerak adalah Bergerak terhadap titik acuan.
  Manusia bergerakdengan kaki dan tangan.
  Manusia bergerak aktif,dapat berpindah tempat serta terlihat dengan jelas. 
  Hewan bergerak dengan kaki,sayap,sirip dan melata.
  Hewan bergerak aktif,dapat berpindah tempat serta terlihat denag jelas.
 Tumbuhan bergerak apabila terkena rangsangan.
 Tumbuhan bergerak pasif,secara sangat lambat prosesnya hanya dilakukan oleh bagian tubuh sulit dilihat dengan jelas.
Reaksi Bergerak 
Makhluk hidup bergerak sehingga dapat berpindah atau dapat beraktivitas dengan lancar.

3.Menerima dan Menanggapi Rangsangan 
Menerima dan Menanggapi Rangsangan adalah klemampuan makhluk hidup untuk menerima dan memberi reaksi terhadap rangsangan (iritabilita).
  Manusia Bertulang belakang memiliki alat-alat indra untuk menerima rangsangan dari luar tubuh.
  Manusia Bertulang belakang memiliki alat-alat indra untuk menerima rangsangan dari luar tubuh
 Tumbuhan merespon sesuatu dalam lingkungan mereka yang tiap-tiap faktornya di sekitar organisme.
Reaksi Menerima dan Menanggapi Rangsang
Menerima rangsangan dari luar tubuh.Rangsanagn tersebut kemudian ditanggapi oleh tubuh antara lain dengan cara bergerak.

4.Membutuhkan Makanan
Membutuhkan Makanan adalah Makhluk hidup memerlukan makananyang berfungsi sebagai penghasil tenaga atau energi.
  Manusia tidak dapat membuat makanan sendiri (Heterotrof)
  Manusia memperoleh makanan dari hewan dan tumbuhan lain.
  Hewan tidak dapat membuat makanan sendiri (Heterotrof)
 Tumbuhan memperoleh makanan dengan cara membuat sendiri zat-zat makanan yang dibutuhkan.
Reaksi Memerlukan makanan 
Makanan dapat menghasilkan energi setelah mengalami proses pembakaran di dalam tubuh (Oksidasi Khusus).Kemudian energi yang dihasilkan digunakan untuk memanaskan tubuh,bergerak,mengganti bagian-bagian tubuh yang rusak.

5.Mengeluarkan Zat Sisa 
Mengeluarkan Zat Sisa adalah Semua makhluk hidup mengeluarkan zat-zat sisa sebagai hasil dari proses Metabolisme yang berlangsung di dalam tubuh.
  Zat sisa dari tubuh manusia dikeluarkan melalui proses penapasan (respirsi),ekskresi,defekasi.
  Melalui proses pernapasan dikeluarkan CO2 dan uap air.
  Proses Ekskresi dikeluarkan air kencing(urine).
  Defekasi adalah pengeluaran sisa-sisa pencernaan dalam bentuk padat yang disebut feses. 
  Zat sisa dari tubuh hewan dikeluarkan melalui proses pernapasan (resprasi),ekskresi,defekasi.
  Pengeluaran zat sisa yang berbentuk padat yaitu feses
  Dan feses pada hewan mamalia dikeluarkan melalui anus.
 Tumbuhan mengeluarkan zat sisa yang berupa oksigen,karbondioksida,uap air,dan tetesan air melalui proses respirasi,transpirasi,gutasi.
Pada proses respirasi,tumbuhan mengeluarkan CO2 
 Proses fotosintesis dikeluarkan oksigen.
 Tumbuhan yang hidup di tanah lembap atau basah melakukan proses gutasi dengan mengeluarkan kelebihan air dalam tetesan air.
 Transpirasi terjadi bila tumbuhan terkena panas matahari yang menyebabakan uap air keluar melalui permukaan daun
Reaksi Mengeluarkan Zat Sisa 
Makhluk hidup mengeluarkan zat sisa sebagai hasil dari proses metabolisme yang bertujuan untuk membuang zat tidak digunakan

6.Tumbuh dan Berkembang 
Tumbuh dan Berkembang adalah Pertambahan volume pada makhluk hidup.
  Pada manusia pertumbuhan ditandai dengan tinggi,berat,besar badan.Pada manusia,perubahan dari bayi menjadi anak-anak,remaja,dan akhirnya menjadi dewasa.
  Pada hewan,misalnya ayam,prosespertumbuhan dimulai dari sebuah sel di dalam teluryang bertambah ukuran dan jumlahnyamenjadi seekor anak ayam yang siap menetas.Setelah menetas anak ayam terus tumbuh menjadi ayam dewasa. 
 Tumbuhan juga mengalami pertumbuhan.Pertumbuhan pada tumbuhan berbiji dimulai dari biji yang kemudian berkecambah menjadi tunas dan akhirnya menjadi tumbuhan dewasa.
ReaksiTumbuh dan Berkembang 
Dalam proses pertumbuhan terjadi pertambahan ukuran antara lain berat dan tinggi

Berkembangbiak adalah Kemampuan makhluk hidup yang bertujuan untuk melestarikan jenisnya.
  Manusia = Melahirkan 
  Hewan =  
Generatif = bertelur (ovipar),melahirkan (vivipar),bertelur melahirkan (ovovivipar)
Vegetatif = membelah diri,tunas 
 Tumbuhan =
Generatif = Tumbuhan berbiji melalui pembentukan biji 
Vegetatif = Tunas,geragih,umbi lapis,akar tinggal,umbi batang,runduk  
Reaksi Bekembangbiak 
Makhluk Hidup dapat melestarikan jenisnya agar kelestarian jenisnya tidak punah.

CaRa MeNgHeMaT AiR

Cara Menghemat Air dengan 4 M :

- Menggunakan Air seperlunya. 
- Menutup kran jika tidak diperlukan. 
- Mendaur ulang air limbah. 
Misalnya : Mendaur ulang limbah kamar kecil melalui peresapan air. 
Cara Mendaur Ulang Air Limbah melalui peresapan air :  
Air limbah dialirkankan melalui pipa yang disalurkan pada tempat peresapan (daur ulang) air. Proses daur ulang air dilakukan dengan cara berikut :
1. Menyiapkan tanah berukuran 7, 5 m x 3,5 m x 2,5 m.
2. Bagilah tanah menjadi: 
a. 5 kotak berukuran 60 cm x 200 cm.
b. 1 kotak besar berukuran 3,5 m x 2,5 m x 2,5 m.
3. Setiap kotak di beri pipa yang disambungkan dari kotak satu dengan kotak lainnya, dimana pipa pada kotak kecil pertama dihubungkan dengan pipa dari kamar kecil.
4. - Kotak kecil pertama : diisi dengan batu besar.
  - Kotak kecil kedua : diisi dengan batu sedang. 
  - Kotak kecil ketiga : diisi dengan batu kecil. 
  - Kotak kecil keempat : diisi dengan batu kerikil. 
  - Kotak kecil kelima : diisi dengan pasir.
  - Kotak besar sebagai tempat air hasil proses daur ulang air.
5. Di antara kotak satu dengan kotak lainnya diberi sekat dari ijuk kelapa.
6. Di atas 5 kotak kecil yang berisi batu, tambahkan pasir. Tanamlah tanaman canna dan paku – pakuan.

- Menggunakan air kembali jika masih bisa digunakan.
Misalnya : air bekas cucian beras digunakan kembali untuk menyiram tanaman.  

Nana Dwi cahyani 
SMPN I Kedamean – Gresik 

Blood !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blood !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Serum darah(cairan darah yang tidak mengandung protein darah, ttp mengandung antibodi

Protein darah(AHG, tromboplastin, protombin, fibrinogen, albumin, globulin, immunoglobin).


Eritrocyt ( sdm )
Trombocyt(keping darah) 
( lympocyt, monocyt )



• Mengangkut sari-sari makanan
• Mengangkut gas O2 dan CO2
• Mengangkut sisa metabolisme dari jaringan tubuh ke alat ekskresi
• Menjaga suhu tubuh
• Melawan infeksi kuman dengan antibodi
• Mengatur PH darah 
• mengedarkan hormon dan enzim




- Sistol (120 mmHg)

 Terjadi saat otot jantung berkontraksi dan darah dipompa keluar jantung.

- Diastol(80 mmHg)
 Terjadi saat otot jantung mengendur dan darah mengalir ke dalam jantung.

Golongan darah sistem Rhesus.

• Tipe darah genotip antigen antibodi
• Rh + DD/Dd + Tdk ada
• Rh - dd Tdk ada +  

• Jika seorang wanita Rh – memiliki bayi Rh + terjadi peristiwa Eritroblastosis fetalis ( bayi mati kuning karena darah janin digumpalkan oleh antibodi ibu).

Bagaimana golongan darah menurun 

• Orang tua(laki-laki) >< Orang tua( wanita )
• Rh - Rh +
• dd >< DD / Dd
• d D
• d
• F1 Dd dan dd
 Dd Fenotipnya Rh +
• dd Fenotipnya Rh -  


• Darah masuk ke jantung melalui vena ke serambi kanan.
• Ke bilik kanan.
• Ke paru-paru.
• Kembali ke jantung melalui serambi kiri.
• Ke bilik kiri.
• Ke seluruh tubuh melalui aorta.

Bentuk – Bentuk Interaksi Sosial

Bentuk – Bentuk Interaksi Sosial 

Pendapat mengenai Interaksi Sosial 

 Dalam kehidupan manusia atau individu selalu terjadi hubungan timbal balik. Dalam bermasyarakat senatiasa menjadi interaksi menurut suatu sistem adat istiadat tertentu yang bersifat kontinu. Beberapa jenis proses sosial dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat merupakan identifikasi dari interaksi yang bersifat kotinu.
 Beberapa tokoh di dunia mempunyai pendapat yang berbeda – beda mengenai interaksi sosial. Beberapa tokoh tersebut adalah Kimbal Young, Gillin, Tamotsu Shibutani, dan Soekanto.
 Kimbal Young (1948) membedakan interaksi sosial sebagai berikut: 
1. Oposisi, mencakup persingan dan pertentangan.
2. Kerja sama, menghasilkan akomodasi 
3. Diferensi, menyebabkan adanya perbedaan kerja antara orang – orang atau kelompok dalam masyarakat
 Sementara Gillin (1951) menggolongkan proses sosial menjadi dua macam:
1. Proses Asosiatif, yang mencakup akomodasi, asimilasi, dan akulturasi
2. Proses Disosiatif, yang mencakup persaingan, pertentangan, atau pertikaian yang berupa kontravensi dan konflik.
 Pada tahun 1986 Tamotsu Shibutani megutarakan pendapatnya tentang interaksi sosial. Ia lebih mengedepankan hal – hal berikut:
1. Akomodasi
2. Ekspresi
3. Interaksi Strategis
4. Pengembangan Perilaku Manusia
 Soekanto, tahun 2003, mengembangkan pendapat Gilin dengan menyajikan jenis – jenis proses sosial yang meliputi proses asosiatif dan proses diasosiatif.
 Soekanto, tahun 2003, mengembangkan pendapat Gilin dengan menyajikan jenis – jenis proses sosial yang meliputi proses asosiatif dan proses diasosiatif.

 Proses Asosiatif adalah proses yang bersifat peggabunagn antara dua objek atau tanggapan indriawi da merupakan rangkaian antara kepribadian dan kebudayaan.
 Proses asosiatif adalah prose yang merupakan penggabungan antara dua objek atau tanggapan indriawi. Proses penggabungan dapat diuraikan menjadi dua bentuk yakni:

1. Kerja sama (cooperation), 
2. Akomodasi (acomodation), 
3. Asimilasi (assimilation),
4. Akulturasi (acculturation).
- Penegertian dari kerja sama adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk bekerja bersama – sama dengan orang lain atau secara kelompok dalam rangka menyelesaikan suatu tugas atau kegiatan yang ditentukan sehingga mencapai daya guna yang sebesar – besarnya.
- Kerja sama dapat muncul karena adanya orientasi perorangan terhadap kelompoknya sendiri atau kelompok orang lain. Proses sosial terbentuknya kerja sama secara tidak sengaja akan menimbulkan konflik sosial yang bersifatpositif maupun negatif.
- Munculnya konflik yang bersifat negatif dalam masyarakat dapat membuat solidaritas sosial dalam kelompok itu menjadi rusak karena terjadi perpecahan. Maka dari itu, konflik yang bersifat negatif segera harus segera diatasi meskipun sifatnya sementara.
- Selain terdapat konflik yang bersifat negatif, juga terdapat konflik yang bersifat positif. Konflik yang bersifat positif sangat bertolak belakang dengan konflik yang bersifat negatif. Konflik yang bersifat positif dapat membuat solidaritas sosial menjadi lebih tinggi apabila mengalami konflik dengan kelompok luar.
- Agar kehidupan manusia dapat terasa lebih ringan dalam permasalahan atau pekerjaan maka diperlukan suatu kerja sama. Contoh – contoh dari kerja sama yang bersifat positif antara lain kerukunan, tawar – menawar, kooptasi, koalisi, joint – venture. 


1. Akomodasi mempunyai beberaapa pengertian yaitu:
2. Persediaan atau penyediaan tempat kediaman dan fasilitas yang dibutuhkan oleh seseorang atau kelompok untuk memenuhi kebutuhan
3. Penyesuaian diri dengan alam
4. Penyelesaian perselisihan
5. Akomodasi dapat digunakan untuk dua kebutuhan, pertama akomodasi sebagai suatu keadaan, dan yang kedua akomodasi sebagai suatu proses.
6. Akomodasi sebagai proses adalah usaha – usaha manusia untuk meredakan pertentangan dalam mencapai kestabilan. Sedangakn akomodasi sebagai keadaan adalah kenyataan adanya keseimbangan kehidupan bermasyarakat.
 Manfaat dari akomodasi dapat digunakan untuk beberapa hal yaitu:
1. Meredakan pertentangan orang perorangan atu kelompok akibat perbedaan pendapat atau kesalah pahaman
2. Mencegah meledaknya pertentangan atau ungkapan emosional untuk sementara waktu
3. Menentukan pilihan adanya kerja sama antar kelompok sosial sebagai akibat faktor – faktor sosial ekonomi psikologis dan kebudayaan atau faktor terisolasinya kehidupan oleh kondisi alam.
4. Mengupayakan penggabungan antara kelompok – kelompok yang terpisah atau terpisah.
• Akomodasi sebagai proses sosial memiliki beberapa bentuk antara lain paksaan (coercion), kompromi (compromise), arbitrsi (arbitration), mediasi (mediation), konsiliasi (conciliation), toleransi (tolerance), saling tidak bereaksi (stalemate), dan penyelesaian pengadilan (adjudication)
• Selain mempunyai manfaat, akomodasi juga mempunyai hasil. Hasil dari akomodasi adalah kebersamaan, penekanan oposisi, koordinasi berbagai kepribadian yang berbeda, perubahan lembaga – lembaga permasyarakatan, perubahan – perubahan dalam kependudukan, dan pembukaan jalan ke arah asimilasi.
Musyawarah merupakan salah satu bentuk dari akomodasi sosial. Gambar di atas adalah suasana ketika berlangsungnya sidang MPR

 Asimilasi adalah suatu penyesuaian atau penyelarasan proses sosial dalm taraf lanjutan yang ditandai dengan adanya usaha – usaha yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi perbedaaan yang terdapat pada orang perorangan atau kelompok. Beberapa bentuk interaksi soial yang memberikan arah ke satu proses asimilasi antara lain sebagai berikut:
1. Interaksi sosial yang bersifat pendekatan terhadap pihak lain dan berlaku sama bagi pihak lain juga
2. Interaksi sosial yang tidak mengalami halangan atau pembatasan
3. Proses asimilasi dipercepat apabila interaksi sosial bersifat langsung dan primer
4. Frekuensi interaksi sosial yang tinggi dan adanya keseimbangan antara pola – pola asimilasi tersebut
 Cepat atau lambatnya perwujudaan asimilasi pada perorangan atau kelompok dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor pendorang dan faktor penghambat.
 Faktor pendorond terjadinya asimilasi antara lain:
1. Tingkat toleransi seseorang atau kelompok terhadap kelompok lain
2. Kesempatan berimbangnya ekonomi antar individu atau kelompok
3. Sikap menghargai kehadiran orang asing beserta kebudayaannya
4. Sikap terbuka yang dimiliki oleh golongan berkuasa dalam masyarakat
5. Memiliki persamaan historis dan perkembangan unsur – unsur kebudayaan
6. Perkawinan campuarn antar kelompok yang berbeda
7. Kedatangan musuh dari luar yang dipandang mengganggu kelangsungan hidup bersama
 Faktor – faktor yang menghambat terjadinya asimilasi:
1. Terisolasinya golongan tertentu dalam kehidupan masyarakat
2. Kurangnya pengetahuan kebudayaan yang dimiliki oleh kelompok sosial
3. Adanya perasaan takut terhadap suatu kekuatan kebudayaan yang dihadapinya
4. Adanya perasaan bahwa kebudayaan yang dimiliki loeh golongan atau kelompok lain lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan kebudayaan yang dimiliknya
5. Adanya perbedaan warna kulit atau ciri fisik tertentu karena latar belakang induk bangsa yang berbeda
6. Adanya perasaan mengelompok atau menutup diri yang sangat kuat
7. Adanya gangguan dari golongan mayoritas terhadap golongan minoritas
8. Munculnya perbedaaan kepentingan dan pertentangan pribadi atau golongan

Akulturasi adalah fenomena yang timbul sebagai akibat pertemuan (kontak budaya) secara langsung dan terus – menerus antar kelompok manusia yang memiliki kebudayaan berbeda namun tidak menghilangkan ciri atau sifat asli dari masing – masing kebudayaan.
- Bangunan candi di Indonesia contohnya. Pada Candi Prambanan, bangunannya berbentuk punden berundak dan relief – reliefnya mengangkat kisah Ramayana. Jadi dapat disimpulakn bahwa Indonesia mendpat pengaruh dari negara lain yaitu India, Thailand dan Kamboja. Meskipun demikian suasana yang digambarkan pada relief tersebut masih menggambarkan suasana alam Indonesia yang indah nan asri, sehinnga masih mencerminkan ciri khas dari Indonesia